Cliftonville Primary and Pre-School is an excellent school the children are happy and thriving. Brilliant school, fabulous staff, great senior leadership team = a happy child! The dedication and hard work from the entire school team is outstanding and clear to see. I think you've all been amazing throughout the years, just want to so say thankyou & we appreciate everything you do for all of us . We love the school and are so impressed with all of the staff who work so hard constantly it is greatly appreciated by the children and parents and carers thank you. Presence of Teachers and caretakers at pick up and drop off really help you feel safe. The well-being of the pupils is outstanding. It is a lovely school with a welcoming feel and a positive atmosphere. Highly visible leadership team. A feeling of pride in the school. Supportive school for both parents and children. As parents we feel really proud that our son comes to such a great school, which we knew was fabulous whether OFSTED told us o

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  • Information about Edenred DfE FSM voucher system

    Fri 29 May 2020
  • End of term 5 letter to parents and children

    Fri 22 May 2020

    Friday 22nd May, 2020.

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    As we approach the end of term 5 and start thinking about the start of term 6, I want to take a few moments to reflect. Usually at this time of year I would be congratulating all the children on their endeavours throughout the term. Particularly those in Y2 and Y6 who would have just finished their SATS. For those in year 6, this is especially disappointing as it is a culmination of all their hard work throughout their learning journey at Cliftonville.


    To all children in Y6, I want to share a poem with you that reminds us all that it is you, the individual and your learning journey that counts. This is what makes you, you and provides you with the foundations for the next stage of your journey.


    SATs don't measure sports, SATs don't measure art,

    SATs don't measure music, or the kindness in your heart.

    SATs don't see your beauty, SATs don't know your worth,

    SATs don't see the reasons you were put upon this earth.

    SATs don't see your magic, how you make others smile,

    SATs don't time how quickly you can run a mile.

    SATs don't hear your laughter, or see you've come this far,

    SATs are just a tiny glimpse of who you really are.

    So sitting at your table, with a pencil and your test,

    Remember SATs aren't who you are, remember you're the best.


    To all the children of Cliftonville Primary School, I cannot say enough how proud I am of all of you and how resilient  and aspirational you all are. The quality and the quantity of the work that you are continuing to produce is astounding. It is wonderful to see your work and experiences posted on Facebook. We particularly are enjoying the messages that you are sending in to your teachers. It is truly making all our hearts melt.


    To all remaining parents, I finally want to extend my thanks to you all for the fabulous work and support you are giving your children throughout this time. I know that it has not been easy at times and you should not feel any guilt that you are not teaching your children enough or to a high enough standard. You are doing your best. We all are doing our best. This is the most important thing. We are looking at new ways of using technology over the coming weeks to support home learning and so may I take this opportunity to highlight the guidance and activities around online safety which can be found on our website.

    Parents information for keeping children safe online:

    Online safety activities for children:

    School Online Safety Policy:


    As we move into term 6 and start (hopefully) welcoming more children back to a very different Cliftonville Primary School, may I just take this opportunity to remind you that we will only do this if deemed safe. I will be in contact with year 6 parents during the half term break  to inform you of any further updates but we hope and are looking forward to seeing year 6 children, once again, crossing our threshold into Cliftonville Primary School from the 9th June.


    Finally, I would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and safe half term break.

  • Letter from Kent LA (KCC) regarding the Kent Test

    Thu 21 May 2020

    Dear Parents,


    We understand that many of you with children in Year 5 are very anxious to know what will happen about the Kent Test when the new school year starts in September. We are carefully considering what might be deliverable, depending on advice from central government as the pandemic runs its course and decisions are made about the easing of lockdown for children of primary school age.


    Many factors could change between now and the end of term and this means that we are currently unable to tell you exactly how we will assess children for grammar school in the new academic year. We can confirm, however, that we will need some way to identify which children are eligible.


    Testing has the benefit of being available to the thousands of grammar school applicants we normally assess every year, however recently they have arrived in Kent and wherever they usually study, even if they are home educated, so it would be the most straightforward option if it is possible. Whatever is decided, though, we need to be confident that we can keep the risk to children and their teachers as low as possible, allowing grammar schools meet their legal obligations in a fair and transparent way,  while allowing KCC to stay within the national timetable for coordinating school admissions.


    We appreciate that everyone of school age is missing classroom teaching, but it is fortunate that there are many excellent resources available through schools and education sites for children. Familiarisation material for the Kent Test can also be found in the “Test Paper” tab below.



    We will update the website for everyone’s benefit when we have received further guidance from the Department for Education and there is a clearer understanding of what arrangements may be possible. In the meantime, we would ask that parents monitor the Kent Test page for updates, rather than sending individual enquiries. We do understand that uncertainty is difficult, especially for children, but KCC is unable to confirm what arrangements will be in place until there is a clearer understanding of how children are likely to return to school in greater numbers.


  • Letter to all parents 19th May 2020- specifically Pre School, Reception, Year 1 and Y6

    Tue 19 May 2020

    Tuesday 19th May, 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    As you know myself and the SLT been deliberating over the mountains of guidance, from the Government, Local Authority and the unions that has dripped its way to us over the last 7 days. Much of which is still being negotiated over.


    I have always been clear that we must always do what is right for our community- your children, the staff and yourselves. For me and the Governing Body of the School, this means a slow and cautious return ensuring that everyone’s health and safety has been considered.


    In my last letter I explained that we were looking at the possible options around Pre-School, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. After much discussion and assessing possible ways on which we could do this, the safest way to increase the number of children attending Cliftonville Primary and Pre School is by starting with Year 6 children.


    Therefore, we will start the integration of Year 6 first back to school during Term 6. This will begin on Tuesday 9th June. This model will potentially allow the possibility of a further phased return of more age groups at a later date which will be reviewed regularly according to Government recommendations and our continued capacity to keep all children safe and well.


    The measures which will be in place are;


    • Children will be in ‘bubbles’ of 10.
    • Each bubble will have a very small team of adults (likely a teacher and TA). 
    • To minimise the threat of the virus spreading, the children will not be able to socialise with other children from different groups but will remain within their ‘bubble’ for the duration of their time at school. There is no mixing of bubbles
    • Each bubble will have a staggered start, playtime, lunchtime and finish time with the school day. The staggered start and end for each bubble will be communicated nearer the time but will be between 8.40-3.10
    • Temperature checks on arrival
    • The keyworker/ vulnerable bubble will be an additional one or two bubbles depending on numbers and will remain in the Early Years Block.
    • Staff and children are able to wear PPE if they so wish.
    • We will be enforcing the 2m social distancing rule with the children as much as possible.
    • The children will be seated on an individual table throughout the day.
    • The children will not necessarily be with their usual class teacher. We will be using all available staff to lead the classes of children.
    • Children will be expected to wear a set of clean home clothes every day to minimise contamination.
    • We will be far more cautious regarding children feeling unwell
    • Lunches will be eaten in classrooms or outside if the weather is nice but away from the other bubbles
    • One to one support will not be possible.
    • Parents/ carers will not be allowed into the school building. All communication will need to be via telephone or email.
    • There will not be any breakfast club or extended day.
    • Parents must observe one-way systems and timings for access to the school site





    I understand that this arrangement way forward maybe disappointing to some in the Pre School, Reception and Y1 however I believe that it is the only way to support more of our children, whilst minimising all the risks as much as possible and keeping your child safe.

    You will also appreciate that we will be continuing to provide home learning for all children not in school which requires staff to plan and prepare and so this arrangement is for Monday - Thursday. The Friday will be closed to all except KeyWorker/Vulnerable children in order to allow planning time and a deep clean.


    As you are obviously aware the development of this plan, to enable the school premises and classrooms to be ready in time, has been dictated by the Government release of guidance and in being so close to published term dates has meant any earlier preparations have not been possible. Therefore;


    Monday 8th June - school will only open for KeyWorker/Vulnerable children only. This time will be used for planning, getting the classrooms and premises ready (including signage and one-way systems).


    Tuesday 9th June - Thursday 11th June- School will be open for Y6 children (those who have signed up and confirmed) and KWV children (previously signed up)

    Friday 12th - school will only open for KeyWorker/Vulnerable children.

    Week beginning 15th- All bubbles in Monday- Thursday. Friday - KeyWorker/Vulnerable children only.

    Week beginning 22nd- All bubbles in Monday- Thursday Friday - KeyWorker/Vulnerable children only


    We will review at the end of the second week (Friday 19th) and if safe and the right thing to do we MAY look to integrate another year group in from 29th June.


    In order to assist with the final stages of planning for this new phase of bubbles, I ask that if you are a parent of a Year 6 child, that you complete the Google form below by Friday 22nd May at 5pm. The survey simply asks you to let us know whether you will send your child into school from the 9th June. If you do, we will expect to see them on Tuesday 9th June.



    All year 6 who will attend will be getting further information about the detailed organisation, expectations and experiences that they will expect from Tuesday 9th June. Please can I reiterate that it will be a new kind of normal and will not be like their previous schooling experience.


    I would also like to reiterate that the decision over your child returning at any time is 100% your choice and we will fully support your decision.


    Your commitment to our community has been outstanding during this unprecedented time and whilst you may be anxious about this next phase, we will continue to always put the children’s, staff and wider communities interests at the heart of all decision making and therefore review and evaluate as necessary. I understand opinion will be mixed and I am not expecting everyone to agree with our decisions, but please understand, we have made them for the safety and wellbeing of all concerned. ​


    In the meantime, stay safe and keep well.

    Yours sincerely,

  • Letter to parents of the Pre School, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 : 13th May

    Wed 13 May 2020

    Wednesday 13th May, 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    Following the Prime Minister’s announcement that children in year R,1 and 6 MAY return to school from the 1st June (please note this will be the 8th June for Cliftonville Primary School due to our 2 week half term), I once again want to say thank you for your patience, understanding and kind comments these last few days.

    For me, there continues to be a great deal to read, digest and carefully plan and prepare for. I would like to reassure you that any return to school will place the well-being and safety of everybody at the forefront. There are difficult decisions to be made and I will only communicate these when I am confident and secure in everyone and so today at the time of writing, I am not in the position to tell you exactly what will happen and when. We will be continuing to look at these documents, alongside all other relevant literature to make plans for the 8th June (note the two week half term). The government has just released further guidance for parents and carers regarding the reopening of schools;

    What I can tell you it that school life as we know it will be very different for the foreseeable future. Any return to school will be in a phased manner and will be planned so that we can do everything possible to keep our children and staff safe and will follow any guidance from the Government. Because we are trying our very hardest to ensure that children and adults are all as safe as possible, we have no alternative but to think of ways to enable us to do this. This may include, part time or flexible school hours and your child may not be with their usual teacher but we would do our very best to ensure it was someone familiar. It is important to note that children in their small groups would have to stay within their same group all day. They have to socially distance as much as possible, they have to be with the same adult and cannot mix with other adults or children and this includes playtimes and lunchtimes. There would be staggered starts and ends of the day and a one way system around the school.  These measures have to be in place in case there is a case of Coronovirus at the school. Any child that has symptoms would be sent home straight away and tested. If positive, everyone in their group would be sent home and all would have to self isolate for 14 days. Then if a child at home present with symptoms, at home, then everyone in the household must self isolate for the next 14 days.

    Below is a list of the things that we already have in place, or are considering putting in place, to support a safe phased return. This is not exhaustive.

    • Staggered and different drop off and staggered collection times and areas for each year group
    • Staggered breaktimes and lunchtimes (if we have enough safe provision only packed lunches will be served and eaten outside where possible)
    • One way system around corridors- children will be kept to their year blocks and the use of outside areas
    • 2m markings around the school for queueing purposes
    • Zoned play areas
    • Designated classroom (separate buildings from other year groups – this also may not necessarily be their usual classroom
    • Designated seats and desks (areas will be disinfected during any changeover of groups)
    • Designated learning resources for each child
    • Small groups 10-15 children
    • Surfaces disinfected throughout the sessions
    • Regular handwashing throughout the sessions- including at the start and finish of every new activity
    • Although not recommended by the Government, Face masks are optional for both staff and children.




    Obviously, the decision would be yours and we will be welcoming children back wholeheartedly- we are as excited to see them as they will be, however I think it is important to be clear about what a return for children would look like.

    The Government have confirmed that families will NOT be penalised for keeping their children off of school during this pandemic

    To help us move forward with our planning please complete one survey for each of your children- regardless of their year group. This is as an expression of interest and to inform our planning only. As soon as we have finalised our plans, I will share these with you and ask for confirmed places for the provision. Please click on the link below to access the form by Friday please.



    In the meantime, stay safe and keep well.

  • Letter to parents 11th May

    Mon 11 May 2020

    Monday 11th May, 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    I’m sure many of you will have watched the Prime Minister’s address to the nation last night.

    You will have heard the Prime Minister indicating that the government believes it may be in a position to implement a phased re-opening of schools for certain year groups‪ from the 1st June. This is part of the government’s conditional plan, which it says will remain under regular review.

    I’m sure as parents, you will have many questions over this recent announcement, which will range from exactly which children may come back into school first to how we are going to keep them safe; including social distancing measures.

    Unfortunately, I will be unable to answer many of your questions at this time, however I would like to reassure you that the safety and well-being of our children, staff and the community will remain my priority.

    Detailed guidance from the government is due to be published in the coming days. Once I receive this, I will be in a position to define the best approach for Cliftonville Primary and Pre-School, and what a possible return to school for more children could look like for us.

    In the short term, the school site will remain open for vulnerable children and those children of Key workers. This includes over the June half term which is of course two weeks (Monday 25th-Friday 5th June). We will also be here to support all our other parents remotely, as we have done over the past few weeks.

    I will be in touch again when I have more information for you

    In the meantime, stay safe and keep well.

    Yours sincerely,

  • Letter to all pupils from Ms Whichcord

    Wed 06 May 2020
  • Letter to parents 6th May 2020

    Wed 06 May 2020