Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) Department
Mrs Standen is our SENDco and Miss Moxon is Assistant SENDco. Class teachers are responsible for the progress of all of the children, including those with SEND. We have prioritised funding to ensure that SEND children are taught in small groups with a qualified teacher. Other important team members include our specialist Teaching Assistants (physical development, speech & language, autism and well being), Senior Teaching Assistants and Teaching Assistants who deliver specific programmes under the leadership of the class teacher.
Our vision is for a happy, caring environment where everyone can achieve success, be valued and develop self-belief. The school will be an integral part of our diverse community - healthy and safe, with opportunities for all.
“Inclusion is what we do”
At Cliftonville Primary School all children are valued, respected and welcomed to the school whatever their needs. We will support their learning and fully include them in all aspects of school life. The points 1 - 5 are the key elements of the work of our teachers, with 4 and 5 relating in particular to children with SEND.
1. Quality first teaching in the classroom to all pupils
2. Individualised targets that have challenge
3. Assessment, analysis and reflection embedded within day to day practice supporting all pupils and the schools progress
4. Early identification of concerns followed by efficient and effective processes where communication is key between staff, parents and carers, external agencies (such as the school nurse, Orchard House) and pupils
5. Well-developed and effective intervention programmes that will support any child in their learning