Cliftonville Primary and Pre-School is an excellent school the children are happy and thriving. Brilliant school, fabulous staff, great senior leadership team = a happy child! The dedication and hard work from the entire school team is outstanding and clear to see. I think you've all been amazing throughout the years, just want to so say thankyou & we appreciate everything you do for all of us . We love the school and are so impressed with all of the staff who work so hard constantly it is greatly appreciated by the children and parents and carers thank you. Presence of Teachers and caretakers at pick up and drop off really help you feel safe. The well-being of the pupils is outstanding. It is a lovely school with a welcoming feel and a positive atmosphere. Highly visible leadership team. A feeling of pride in the school. Supportive school for both parents and children. As parents we feel really proud that our son comes to such a great school, which we knew was fabulous whether OFSTED told us o

House Captains

Two members from each year 6 class, represent and lead their House as captains. They wrote a letter of application which were an absolute joy to read, expressing their desire to be chosen as House captain. Here are the House captains below.


At Cliftonville Primary we have four Houses:

- Botany Bay (Blue (YR), 1H, 2HT, 3K, 4Ke, 5D, 6M)

- Joss Bay (Green (YR), 1M, 2J, 3A, 4K, 5Me, 6N)

- Kingsgate Bay (Yellow (YR), 1SM, 2RE, 3H, 4W, 5H, 6T)

- Walpole Bay (Red (YR), 1D, 2P, 3Ke, 4J, 5M, 6P)


Each class is assigned to a House. Through 'living our school values' of being independent, respectful, resilient, aspirational, enjoying their learning, keeping themselves and others safe and being part of their community, children earn individual 'Dojo points' that accumulate as a combined House total. Children also earn Dojos for achieving their Maths Whizz progression gems (KS2) or completing Doodle Maths weekly tasks (EY/KS1).


The House captains total these points up weekly, sharing our fabulous House trophy across each of the classes in the leading House across the school.


Our House captains plan, prepare, create and present a termly assembly to their House members - children from Reception all the way to year 6.

They have grown immensely in confidence. As the year has progressed, the children have become braver in the style of their assemblies - inviting children to the front to be interactive and involved in the assembly, taking questions from other children and presenting in a much clearer manner.
