Cliftonville Primary and Pre-School is an excellent school the children are happy and thriving. Brilliant school, fabulous staff, great senior leadership team = a happy child! The dedication and hard work from the entire school team is outstanding and clear to see. I think you've all been amazing throughout the years, just want to so say thankyou & we appreciate everything you do for all of us . We love the school and are so impressed with all of the staff who work so hard constantly it is greatly appreciated by the children and parents and carers thank you. Presence of Teachers and caretakers at pick up and drop off really help you feel safe. The well-being of the pupils is outstanding. It is a lovely school with a welcoming feel and a positive atmosphere. Highly visible leadership team. A feeling of pride in the school. Supportive school for both parents and children. As parents we feel really proud that our son comes to such a great school, which we knew was fabulous whether OFSTED told us o

Head Teacher's message

I would like to extend the warmest of welcomes as we start back to a new school year. I am very proud and privileged, as Head Teacher, to be leading Cliftonville Primary School with such an amazing team of committed professionals, parents and children and am very excited by our future together seeing the school going from strength to strength. Over recent years the strength of our community has shone through and I am confident that by working together, the children will continue to grow and be fully supported to be the best that they can be.


Our mission, at Cliftonville Primary and Pre-School, as an outstanding school, is to inspire children to achieve more than they ever believed possible. We want every member of our school community to be challenged and supported to be the very best they can be. Through the high-quality learning experiences & curriculum, we look to improve the life-chances of our children; to educate the whole child so they can thrive in a changing world.


Cliftonville is a unique place which believes truly that there are no barriers to success, just hurdles that can be got over with the right support, thinking, drive and determination.

We believe here that team work, collaboration and community spirit are vital ingredients to any success. We believe strongly in the team around an individual child with parents, the school and other organisations all working together.


At Cliftonville Primary and Pre-School we drive this belief through our school values of:

Independence    Safe and Settled   Resilience   Respect    Aspiration    Learning   Community


I am very excited by this next chapter of Cliftonville Primary and Pre-School's journey and look forward to taking you on this ride with us!
