Our curriculum content and delivery:
- provide a broad and balanced education, incorporating the full range of National Curriculum subjects;
- provide opportunities for deep learning leading to high quality outcomes;
- enable pupils to develop knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skills that will enable and inspire them to succeed in life, particularly in the next stage of their education;
- ensure that there are ambitious expectations for all learners, irrespective of background and additional needs, enabling them to fulfil their potential;
- promote our school values in order to support pupils’ personal and social development, putting respect at the core of their conduct and relationships;
- nurture pupils’ physical and mental health, particularly their resilience, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to maintain good health throughout their lives;
- enable pupils’ creativity to flourish through a wide range of learning opportunities and teaching methods;
- promote a love of learning, encouraging pupils to become curious, inquiring and independent learners with ‘broader horizons’ and high aspirations for their futures:
- promote the development of pupils’ individual interests, strengths and hobbies and effectively utilise the expertise and special interests of members of staff and the wider community.
The impact of the curriculum is monitored in a number of ways:
- The schemes of work for each unit of work provide the framework for curriculum delivery but the formative assessment carried out by teachers informs precise teaching of individual groups of children to ensure that their needs are being effectively met.
- Quality Assurance is undertaken by year group leaders and senior leaders three times a year. This involves lesson observations, learning walks, book and planning scrutiny and pupil voice interviews. SLT also monitors books from across the curriculum on a regular basis. This enables school leaders to evaluate whether the curriculum is fit for purpose and whether it is being delivered in a way that matches our curriculum intent.
- Termly pupil progress interviews and year team data reviews identify pupils who are making accelerated progress and those who have made insufficient progress (based on teacher assessment and PUMA and PIRA test data). This gives staff an opportunity to review and modify curriculum content, if necessary, in order to meet the needs of all pupils effectively.
- Data analysis by YGL and SLT at the end of seasonal terms tracks the progress of different groups of children, including PP and FSM pupils, pupils with SEN and EAL and gender groups. This also informs curriculum review.
- Governors monitor whether the school is complying with its funding agreement and teaching a “broad and balanced curriculum” which includes the required subjects, through monitoring visits in conjunction with school leaders and receiving reports from curriculum leads at governors’ meetings.
For more information regarding the curriculum offer, please see Mrs Spackman (Deputy Head teacher - Curriculum).
Alternatively you may wish to speak to the Year Group Leader for the respective year group.