Welcome to the Zones of Regulation area of our website!
Zones of Regulation is designed to support children to:
• identify their feelings and levels of alertness
• use effective self-regulation tools
• know when and how to use tools
• problem solve positive solutions
• understand how their behaviours influence others’ thoughts and feelings.
All classes at Cliftonville Primary School use the Zones of Regulation to help children identify their emotions and support children in being able to recognise strategies that can help them in each zone.
At Cliftonville Primary School we teach the children that EVERY EMOTION YOU FEEL IS OK. It's what you do when you're in that zone that we must learn to manage. We believe that it is invaluable for the children to learn about their emotions and how to manage them effectively. Children at first find it difficult to identify what emotions they are feeling beyond happy and sad.
Through our curriculum children will be taught in a variety of ways what emotions are, how to identify an emotion, and what they can do to manage that emotion. Through the use of the Zones children have the opportunity to identify where they are within the zones at regular points through the day and have an understanding that no one emotion is better than another, the important part is how you deal with it.
Since the introduction of the Zones across the school, the children have become more aware of their emotions and realise it's OK to discuss how they feel. They understand that looking after ourselves mentally is just as important as looking after ourselves physically. It is also great to see how they support each other when they see a peer is in the blue, red or yellow zone.
See our Resources section to print off your own copy of the Zones of Regulation to use at home.