Friday 22nd May, 2020.
Dear Parents/Carers,
As we approach the end of term 5 and start thinking about the start of term 6, I want to take a few moments to reflect. Usually at this time of year I would be congratulating all the children on their endeavours throughout the term. Particularly those in Y2 and Y6 who would have just finished their SATS. For those in year 6, this is especially disappointing as it is a culmination of all their hard work throughout their learning journey at Cliftonville.
To all children in Y6, I want to share a poem with you that reminds us all that it is you, the individual and your learning journey that counts. This is what makes you, you and provides you with the foundations for the next stage of your journey.
SATs don't measure sports, SATs don't measure art,
SATs don't measure music, or the kindness in your heart.
SATs don't see your beauty, SATs don't know your worth,
SATs don't see the reasons you were put upon this earth.
SATs don't see your magic, how you make others smile,
SATs don't time how quickly you can run a mile.
SATs don't hear your laughter, or see you've come this far,
SATs are just a tiny glimpse of who you really are.
So sitting at your table, with a pencil and your test,
Remember SATs aren't who you are, remember you're the best.
To all the children of Cliftonville Primary School, I cannot say enough how proud I am of all of you and how resilient and aspirational you all are. The quality and the quantity of the work that you are continuing to produce is astounding. It is wonderful to see your work and experiences posted on Facebook. We particularly are enjoying the messages that you are sending in to your teachers. It is truly making all our hearts melt.
To all remaining parents, I finally want to extend my thanks to you all for the fabulous work and support you are giving your children throughout this time. I know that it has not been easy at times and you should not feel any guilt that you are not teaching your children enough or to a high enough standard. You are doing your best. We all are doing our best. This is the most important thing. We are looking at new ways of using technology over the coming weeks to support home learning and so may I take this opportunity to highlight the guidance and activities around online safety which can be found on our website.
Parents information for keeping children safe online:
Online safety activities for children:
School Online Safety Policy:
As we move into term 6 and start (hopefully) welcoming more children back to a very different Cliftonville Primary School, may I just take this opportunity to remind you that we will only do this if deemed safe. I will be in contact with year 6 parents during the half term break to inform you of any further updates but we hope and are looking forward to seeing year 6 children, once again, crossing our threshold into Cliftonville Primary School from the 9th June.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and safe half term break.