Cliftonville Primary and Pre-School is an excellent school the children are happy and thriving. Brilliant school, fabulous staff, great senior leadership team = a happy child! The dedication and hard work from the entire school team is outstanding and clear to see. I think you've all been amazing throughout the years, just want to so say thankyou & we appreciate everything you do for all of us . We love the school and are so impressed with all of the staff who work so hard constantly it is greatly appreciated by the children and parents and carers thank you. Presence of Teachers and caretakers at pick up and drop off really help you feel safe. The well-being of the pupils is outstanding. It is a lovely school with a welcoming feel and a positive atmosphere. Highly visible leadership team. A feeling of pride in the school. Supportive school for both parents and children. As parents we feel really proud that our son comes to such a great school, which we knew was fabulous whether OFSTED told us o

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment.

Please click a headline to read more or visit our school Facebook page: Cliftonville Primary and Pre-School.

  • Easter hat parade!

    Fri 30 Mar 2018


    On Wednesday the children at Cliftonville Primary School celebrated Easter by having an Easter hat parade. All the children in Reception and Key stage 1 had made fantastic hats, some of them lit up, others contained a multitude of different animals, mostly chicks, but they were all colourful and beautifully made. The children loved wearing them and enjoyed showing them to our friends from Holy Trinity Church and from the road outside our school. This year we challenged our guests to come with their Easter hat too, and we were amazed at how many did. We are very grateful for the support and interest our friends and neighbours show in the work of the school, and even more so for this event as unfortunately the Easter hat parade for the parents had to be cancelled due to the rain.


    Despite the disappointment of not being able to show their hats off to their parents the children enjoyed seeing what their friends had made and gave the teachers a very difficult job in judging who were the winners. It is so nice to see the school hall ablaze with colour and our Easter hats this year certainly did just that.

  • Sport Relief raises £1039

    Wed 28 Mar 2018

    Children at Cliftonville Primary School had lots of fun raising money for Sport Relief on Friday.  Members of the School Council sold Sport Relief wristbands for the children to wear and the children dressed up in their best sporty gear.  Key Stage 1 children paid 50p to take part in a number of activities in the “Lunchtime Fun Hour” and Key Stage 2 classes competed in the “Shoot the hoop” competition of which class could score the most basketball goals.  The competition was very close but was won by class 3P.  The School Council also hosted a special Sport Relief themed “Bake Off” which saw an amazing 36 decorated cakes entered by children and their parents.  All the cakes were absolutely fantastic and incredibly creative meaning the School Council had a very tough job to judge the winners.  There were football, rugby, basketball and tennis ball shaped cakes; swimming pools; football pitches and many more!  School Council chose the top 3 cakes which were given as raffle prizes and the remaining cakes were sold on the playground after school as whole cakes or slices.  The cake stall was very busy and everyone was very impressed by the quality of the cakes and effort that had gone into making them.  The winning cake was made by Hope in Year 1 with Elliot and Antonina in Year 4 coming second and third.  The children’s efforts raised an incredible £1039.50 for the charity.  

  • Pirate day in Pre-School!

    Wed 28 Mar 2018

    It was a fantastic day; the children enjoyed looking at pirate maps, completing a treasure hunt, making pirate cakes and playing "sharks!" The highlight was going to the main school to get our treasure back when naughty pirates Captain Blackbeard and Captain Clayson stole it! They were made to walk the plank when we brought them back to Pre-School! The sessions ended with pirate party food, before the children walked the plank to their parents at home time!

  • Club sign up

    Thu 15 Mar 2018


    Please find below the link to the google form sign up for clubs.  It will be live until midday on the 21st March.  If you need any further help, please speak to Mrs Blake.



  • Sport Relief w/c 19th March

    Wed 07 Mar 2018


    Sport Relief is on Friday 23rd March this year and there will be lots of fun fundraising things happening in Cliftonville Primary School that you can get involved in.


    Members of the School Council will be visiting classes every afternoon during the week of Monday 19th to Friday 23rd March to sell special Sport Relief wristbands for £1 which the children will be allowed to wear in school that week.


    This year there will be a special Bake-Off Competition with a sporty theme where staff, parents and children can enter a decorated cake. These exciting creations will be judged by the School Council and the winning cake will be raffled off. The other entries will be on sale after school on the KS1 playground. Please bring your labelled entry to the office on the morning of Friday 23rd.


    There will a choice of activities for KS1 children to take part in during lunchtime on Friday 23rd including watching a film, Just Dance and colouring. They will need 50p to take part.


    There will also be a KS2 class “Shoot the hoop” competition on the playground that children will need 20ps if they want to take part.


    It will also be a non-school uniform day on Friday 23rd for a donation of £1. School Council have decided on a sporty theme.


    Thank you in advance for all your support.

    KS1 and KS2 School Council
