This team is led by Mrs Frith, our Assistant Headteacher as part of her role in developing Personal Development. Her work is supported by many staff, particularly Mrs Standen our Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) Co-ordinator, the Parent Support advisors, Mrs Fourie, Mrs McAvoy, Mrs Priest, the attendance team, Mrs Hasson and Mrs Saddington and Mrs Bonnell our play therapist. We also have well being champions in each year group and peer mentors. The work of pastoral care overlaps the SEND Department
Our children are encouraged to make the most of their time at Cliftonville Primary School, so every effort is made to remove obstacles to successful learning and to equip young people with the confidence and skills to be effective learners and effective members of the community.
Our aim is to:
•Provide an environment which will support the emotional health and well-being of all the pupils.
•Support targeted children in developing social, emotional and behavioural skills within the school setting.
•Support and empower families who may be experiencing difficulties.
•Promote relationships and interactivity between parents and school, raising parental awareness of learning and the importance of education
Education Attendance Officers - Mrs Saddington and Mrs Hasson
Promoting relationships between parents and school, raising parental awareness of learning and the importance of regular attendance.
Parent Support Workers- Mrs Fourie, Mrs McAvoy, Mrs Priest
Promoting and supporting parents, signpositing, advising and developing positive relationships between home and school
Behaviour Mentor - Mrs Brown
Providing 1:1 and small group support for children.
SEAL Teaching
Helping to develop children's social, emotional and behavioural skills.
Peer Support for children
Peer Mediation - involving Year 6 children managing minor conflicts using non-threatening and co-operative methods that promote inclusiveness, respect and self-esteem.
Class Peer Mediation - supporting new and vulnerable children in their classes. Promoting empathy, inclusiveness and self-esteem.
Peer Mediators, Mentors and Buddies are given training.
Restorative Justice - is often used, being an innovative approach to dealing with inappropriate and harmful behaviour focusing on building and repairing peer relationships rather than managing and controlling behaviour.
At Cliftonville School we believe that, given the right training and support, children can help their own peers resolve their conflicts.