Dates for 2022-2023
Week beginning 20th March 2023
We are really looking forward to your second Parent Consultation Evening of the academic year. After such positive feedback from our first Parents Evening last year, we will continue to hold virtual meetings using SchoolCloud. The virtual parents evening will NOT be in school or over the phone but accessed via a video link. If you do not have access to a mobile phone, computer or tablet, please call the school office.
You will be able to book a slot with your child’s class teacher via a text which will be sent to you on Monday 6th March at 7pm and slots will then be open until 7pm the night before the Parent Consultation for you to book.
You will need to click on the link in the email confirmation in order to join the meeting.
Each year group will hold their consultations over one afternoon and evening during the week beginning the 20th March 2023 with the exception of year R who will be having morning and after school appointments. The days can be found below:
Year group | Parent Consultation day |
R | Wednesday 22nd March (morning and afterschool) |
1 | Wednesday 22nd March |
2 | Wednesday 22nd March |
3 | Friday 17th March |
4 | Thursday 23rd March |
5 | Monday 20th March |
6 | Tuesday 21st March |
If you wish to discuss your child’s Special Educational Need further after your Parent Consultation slot, please let the class teacher know and they will pass this on to the SEN department who will be in touch to make a further appointment.
There will be an opportunity before the consultation for you to come into your child’s class to see their books. The information for this is available on the Year Group newsletter.
There is an option for you to leave a message for the class teacher prior to the meeting if there is something you wish us to particularly address. Each appointment will be 9 minutes long and there will be a coloured countdown above the screen to show you how long you have left for your appointment.
Please note, that if you miss your appointment, we are unable to offer an alternative unless there were exceptional circumstances e.g. frontline NHS workers, medical emergency. It is best to log on a few minutes early. You will be able to log on to your appointment via the email confirmation.
We use an online booking system for the Parent Consultation Evening. It reduces the administration for the school and help parents on the odd occasion that children forget to bring letters home or hand in completed slips. It enable parents to book all brothers/sisters at the same time so that, subject to availability, appointments are closer together.
Invites are sent as a text to the first mobile number so keeping your numbers up to date is vital. As ever, we ask that, unless there are exceptional circumstances, separated parents attend together. With the notice we give, we do not offer alternative appointments unless there are exceptional circumstances (both parents rostered in emergency services, frontline NHS etc.)
Dear parents and carers
Parents and Carers Consultation Evening (PCCE)
As you know, we publish key events for our school as early in the year as possible on both the website and in newsletters. We hope that this early notification helps you in planning ahead for your nine-minute appointment because we understand that you have work and family commitments to juggle! Staff spend a lot of time preparing for these meetings and they look forward to sharing your child’s progress and next steps. Children also like being able to share their work with you and, when you attend, it shows them that you value their learning.
We are obviously happy to re-schedule where there is absolutely no possibility of attending. This would include anyone scheduled to work for Kent Fire & Rescue, front line NHS staff such as nurses; it does not include auxiliary health care staff or administrative staff. It is not reasonable to expect staff to accommodate additional appointments for other reasons such as ‘I forgot/ my child didn’t remind me/the time wasn’t convenient'.
We would also respectfully ask that parents who are separated book one joint appointment. This ensures that the same information is shared at the same time and from a practical point of view, with a fixed number of appointments available, everyone can be accommodated. Please speak in confidence to me if you feel there are additional circumstances which make this too difficult.
Thank you for your co-operation in this matter - it is much appreciated.
Ms Whichcord
Head Teacher