Sport Relief is on Friday 23rd March this year and there will be lots of fun fundraising things happening in Cliftonville Primary School that you can get involved in.
Members of the School Council will be visiting classes every afternoon during the week of Monday 19th to Friday 23rd March to sell special Sport Relief wristbands for £1 which the children will be allowed to wear in school that week.
This year there will be a special Bake-Off Competition with a sporty theme where staff, parents and children can enter a decorated cake. These exciting creations will be judged by the School Council and the winning cake will be raffled off. The other entries will be on sale after school on the KS1 playground. Please bring your labelled entry to the office on the morning of Friday 23rd.
There will a choice of activities for KS1 children to take part in during lunchtime on Friday 23rd including watching a film, Just Dance and colouring. They will need 50p to take part.
There will also be a KS2 class “Shoot the hoop” competition on the playground that children will need 20ps if they want to take part.
It will also be a non-school uniform day on Friday 23rd for a donation of £1. School Council have decided on a sporty theme.
Thank you in advance for all your support.
KS1 and KS2 School Council