On Wednesday the children at Cliftonville Primary School celebrated Easter by having an Easter hat parade. All the children in Reception and Key stage 1 had made fantastic hats, some of them lit up, others contained a multitude of different animals, mostly chicks, but they were all colourful and beautifully made. The children loved wearing them and enjoyed showing them to our friends from Holy Trinity Church and from the road outside our school. This year we challenged our guests to come with their Easter hat too, and we were amazed at how many did. We are very grateful for the support and interest our friends and neighbours show in the work of the school, and even more so for this event as unfortunately the Easter hat parade for the parents had to be cancelled due to the rain.
Despite the disappointment of not being able to show their hats off to their parents the children enjoyed seeing what their friends had made and gave the teachers a very difficult job in judging who were the winners. It is so nice to see the school hall ablaze with colour and our Easter hats this year certainly did just that.