Today we were very pleased to welcome so many Year 3 parents into our maths lessons. Initially we met together in the hall to look at different ways of helping children to become fluent in some of the key learning concepts in Year 3. We had lots of fun playing games, and everyone had a games pack to take home that they could use with their children. Mr Michael showed some of the resources that we use in school to help the children understand number and everyone had a chance to use these so they how their children are learning maths. This was followed by a trip to the classrooms where the parents could join their children doing their maths work. It was great fun, and we were really pleased by how many parents came and their very positive feedback about the event. We will be holding another session in a few weeks for those parents who were unable to attend today. The powerpoint used in this session will be on the website soon along with some of the resources given out.