20th October 2014
Dear Parents and Carers,
We would like to invite you to a Key Stage 2 information workshop to let you know about our reading programme Accelerated Reader (abbreviated to AR) so you can support your children at home. We would love you to come along and learn how we use AR, how we level the children and look at some of the resources we use. Our AR leaders will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. All children at Cliftonville Primary School will eventually be part of the AR programme so coming along to find out as much as you can would be really worthwhile.
The workshop will be held on Tuesday 4th November at 2.30pm in our school hall. Please complete the slip below to let us know if you are able to attend. For those unable to come along, we will add the presentation notes to the ‘English’ area of the website.
We all hope to see you there,
Yours sincerely
Mrs Louise Wilson
(Assistant Head Teacher)