Turner Contemporary have been working with The Hepworth, Wakefield to reimagine the ‘School Prints’ project which first started in the 1940s with the aim of engaging school children in contemporary art. Through this project, we have been gifted a set of limited edition prints which now have pride of place in the ‘old’ hall.
Y5 pupils have had the wonderful opportunity to participate in this project with Turner Contemporary and produce some artwork of their own, inspired by these prints. This work has been on display this week for the rest of the school to enjoy and be inspired by. We want family and friends to also have this opportunity so we have produced a virtual tour of the exhibition for all to enjoy.
Wait! There’s more! Some of the Y5 pupils have also produced online tutorials to share with the rest of the school so that they too can produce artwork inspired by the prints. Over the next 3 weeks, all classes will be taking part in exciting art activities and there will be a whole school art exhibition in the ‘new’ hall at the end of term. Watch out for the next virtual tour…..