I thought you may like to know about "National Number Day" that we celebrated at Cliftonville Primary School today. Although it is Number Day, this year our theme for the special week leading up to Number Day has been shape, so the children were encouraged to dress up in shape clothes. Many of the children decorated their shirts with different shapes and numbers and some made themselves into a shape. One very creative mother even plaited a square into their daughters hair.
During our shape week we have been out in the community looking for shapes. All our year 1 children visited Dane Park and were amazed by all the different shapes they found. In year 5 the children visited Revolution skate park and as well as enjoying a session on the scooters and the climbing wall, spent time looking at the shapes and sizes of the different ramps. They are currently making a scale model of the skate park in their classrooms. Fantastic art work has been completed in several year groups - both 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional. A highlight for our younger children was a visit from a magician, who showed them lots of shape tricks. They thoroughly enjoyed watching shapes disappear and change all by magic!
It has been a fantastic week at Cliftonville Primary School, with the children learning so much about shape while thoroughly enjoying themselves.
Mrs Weitzel