Dear Parents and Carers,
As the school year draws to a close, in usual circumstances, we would be part way through our transition process and letting both you and your child know who their class teacher will be next year and creating opportunities to meet them. Unfortunately, this year, it is not possible to carry this out in the same way.
As always, Senior Leaders, Year Group Leaders and teachers have come together to discuss the movement of children from one year group to the next. We have taken into account friendship groups, ability, personalities and interests when deciding which teachers to allocate to a class to ensure an even spread. As you can imagine, this takes an incredibly long time to ensure that we get it as right as possible. This year, taking all of these factors into account, we have decided that classes in the current years R, 3, 4 and 5 will be split across their next year group to create new classes. Children in the current years 1 and 2 will remain with their same class as they are now as they move into the next year group.
To ensure that children feel safe and secure, your child’s current teacher will let them know next week, who their new teacher will be during their weekly phone call. You will be sent a link to our website where you will be able to see a picture and find out a little bit about their new teacher. During the week beginning the 13th July, if your child is not in school, they will receive a short phone call home from their new teacher. To guarantee that every child knows who their new teacher will be, we will be sending out a confirmation email towards the end of term to the email address you have supplied to school.
Due to legal requirements (GDPR), we are not able to tell you which children will be in your child’s new class but you are welcome to share this information if you wish.