On Wednesday our younger pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2 all came to school wearing their amazing Easter bonnets. These were mainly made at home with the help of their parents, and for the first time this year we even had hats that lit up! The children were so excited and really loved showing their bonnets off to their classmates and to our audience for the parades. We had two parades, one was for the friends of the school which included local residents, members of Holy Trinity Church and also residents from Grosvenor Court Care Home. The children sang their Easter songs, and afterwards enjoyed serving refreshments to our guests and talking with them. Later in the day the children were again on parade, this time to the older members of the school, who were really impressed by the quality of the hats this year. We ended the day with an Easter hat parade for the parents who came along in droves to see the wonderful spectacle. It was a really busy day, but one with lots of colour and enjoyment. Especially pleasing this year was our ability to share the experience with so many different members of the community.