Cliftonville Primary and Pre-School is an excellent school the children are happy and thriving. Brilliant school, fabulous staff, great senior leadership team = a happy child! The dedication and hard work from the entire school team is outstanding and clear to see. I think you've all been amazing throughout the years, just want to so say thankyou & we appreciate everything you do for all of us . We love the school and are so impressed with all of the staff who work so hard constantly it is greatly appreciated by the children and parents and carers thank you. Presence of Teachers and caretakers at pick up and drop off really help you feel safe. The well-being of the pupils is outstanding. It is a lovely school with a welcoming feel and a positive atmosphere. Highly visible leadership team. A feeling of pride in the school. Supportive school for both parents and children. As parents we feel really proud that our son comes to such a great school, which we knew was fabulous whether OFSTED told us o

Children in Need

Children In Need is on Friday 17th November this year and there will be lots of fun fundraising things happening in Cliftonville Primary School that you can get involved in.


There will be a cake sale in the Year 5 classrooms with each class having a time slot to go and buy something. Any shop bought or homemade donations of cakes will be gratefully received! Please send them in with your children on the morning of Friday 17th.


We will be taking part in “Pudsey’s Round Pound Countdown” to find as many old pound coins as possible. These are no longer legal tender and cannot be spent in shops but can be donated to charities. Each class will have a special Round Pound Collection Pot and there will be a prize for the class that finds the most so get looking!


It will be a non-school uniform day on Friday 17th for a donation of £1. School Council have decided on a spotty theme.


Thank you in advance for all your support.

Mrs Mayhew and the School Council
