Number Day, 5th December 2014, is a national initiative organised by the NSPCC, where money is raised through number related activities. At Cliftonville Primary School all the children were invited to come in dressed in numbers; there was great enthusiasm with many children decorating a shirt, or adding numbers to a hair band, or even making a calculator! Our fantastic staff also made a great effort. As well as dressing in numbers the children have been working on number related activities all week. In reception and key stage 1 the children have been making number mosaics which we will use in our outside areas to help children recognise numbers and write them correctly. In key stage 2 the children have been testing their mathematical skills in an orienteering challenge. Throughout the school children have been solving mathematical challenges looking at early algebra skills e.g finding missing numbers and being able to generalise about number relationships. All ages have learned so much about numbers this week, it has been great to hear the children talking enthusiastically about their maths and solving problems.