As our own admissions authority, Cliftonville Primary and Pre School is required under the School Admissions Code 2021 to review its admissions policy annually and to consult on arrangements from time to time.
The code requires consultation in the following circumstances.
1. When changes are proposed to admission arrangements, all admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements (including any supplementary information form) that will apply for admission applications the following school year.
2. Where the admission arrangements have not changed from the previous year there is no requirement to consult, subject to the requirement that admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements at least once every 7 years, even if there have been no changes during that period.
As a consultation has not taken place within the timescale of 7 years this is now required.
The school is also consulting to alter the admissions oversubscription criteria. We propose to add a criterion which would place the staff of children as part of the application of our admissions policy. The proposed wording is as follows under criteria 2 (highlighted within the policy document enclosed).
2. Staff children
Priority will next be given to children of staff at the school, in either of the following circumstances:
a) The member of staff has been employed at the school for 2 or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, or
b) The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
With the above in mind please find attached the Admission Criteria for September 2025.
This consultation will open on Tuesday 28th November 2023 and any comments relating to the policy will need to be received by 9th January 2024. Please send these to
The Local Governing Body will meet soon after the closure of the admissions consultation to consider any comments. If no comments are received the policy will be considered at the next available meeting of the Local governing Body and recommended for determination by the Trust Board at their meeting in January 2024. Consultation details can also be found on our school website