Cliftonville Primary and Pre-School is an excellent school the children are happy and thriving. Brilliant school, fabulous staff, great senior leadership team = a happy child! The dedication and hard work from the entire school team is outstanding and clear to see. I think you've all been amazing throughout the years, just want to so say thankyou & we appreciate everything you do for all of us . We love the school and are so impressed with all of the staff who work so hard constantly it is greatly appreciated by the children and parents and carers thank you. Presence of Teachers and caretakers at pick up and drop off really help you feel safe. The well-being of the pupils is outstanding. It is a lovely school with a welcoming feel and a positive atmosphere. Highly visible leadership team. A feeling of pride in the school. Supportive school for both parents and children. As parents we feel really proud that our son comes to such a great school, which we knew was fabulous whether OFSTED told us o


  • Exciting news!

    Wed 31 Oct 2018


    After a great deal of consultation, the children of Cliftonville Primary and Pre School have decided that they would like to re-establish a ‘HOUSE’ system and have settled on The Elements- Earth, Fire, Water and Air.


    Using a computerised random selector, children have been placed in a specific HOUSE. Although in its early stages of development, the school will be using the HOUSES in a variety of ways throughout the year including points from the class dojo, attendance and obviously the Sports Days at the end of the school year.

  • Harvest celebrations

    Fri 19 Oct 2018


    Today the children at Cliftonville Primary School celebrated the end of term with a special Harvest assembly at Holy Trinity Church. The children walked up to the Church loaded with bags of food that they had brought in for Thanet Food Link. This food will be collected next week and distributed to families in Margate. The generosity of our families is evident from the colourful piles of tins and packets that filled the trolleys at the front of the church. Our children were certainly living out the value of sharing with the food that was donated, but also earlier in the week had enjoyed sharing their time with the residents of Grosvenor Court Care Home, to whom they sang their Harvest songs. It is lovely to share what we have with members of our community and the children and staff at Ciftonville get lots of pleasure from being able to do this. ​

  • Assembly themes Term 2

    Fri 19 Oct 2018

    Assembly themes term 2 - 2018-2019

    This term our assemblies will be devoted to the theme of ‘Amazing People’, celebrating less well-known people including those from minority groups who have achieved great things in life.


    You might like to find out about some of them from the links below:


    Mary Anning


    Marie Curie


    Phillis Wheatley


    Aaron Fotheringham



  • Amazing fundraising for NSPCC

    Tue 16 Oct 2018


    Dear Mrs Spackman and all at Cliftonville,


    I thoroughly enjoyed my involvement in delivering the NSPCC Speak Out. Stay Safe. programme at Cliftonville Primary School.


    I banked a total of £1,310.34 in sponsorship from the school. This is a HUGE amount of money. Thank you so much for supporting the NSPCC. Thank you to all the parents/carers for their generosity.


    Thank you for your support and assistance during my contact with the school.


    Thanks also to the staff at the school who have all been welcoming, helpful and supportive.


    You will receive a thank you letter and a certificate from our Head Office in due course.


    Cathy Evans, NSPCC



  • Chance to be on TV!

    Fri 12 Oct 2018

    You may be interested in applying for a new TV show!  Please note that the school holds no responsibility for any aspect of this production; parents apply/take part at their own risk.



    Hi there,


    I hope you are well – I was wondering if the below TV Casting might be of interest to any of your parents or staff.


    I am a producer at TV company Monkey Kingdom and I am currently casting PARENTS for a brand new TV social experiment for a major UK broadcaster.


    We want to hear from parents who are confident in their parenting technique, who are proud of the way they raise their children and who have a particular parenting strategy. Whether parents are in a couple or a single parent we would love to hear from parents who would like to share their approach with others. The parent(s) will need to have at least one child between the ages of five and thirteen.


    If anyone would like to apply or would like to find out any more information about the show, we would ask they send their name, contact details and to tell us a little about their family to


    I have attached the flyer for the show so if there is any way of sharing this with parents via social media or a school newsletter or even displaying the flyer somewhere in the school it would be much appreciated.


    Many thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.


    Best Wishes,


    Harry Lawton

    Associate Producer


    Monkey Kingdom Limited | Tea Building | Unit 5.01 | 56 Shoreditch High Street | London | E1 6JJ

  • Online safety advice

    Fri 05 Oct 2018

    Online safety


    Online safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Cliftonville Primary & Pre-School. All pupils are taught how to stay safe and behave appropriately online, but this approach is only successful if we work together and reinforce safe behaviour at home too.


    Whilst for many children and adults, gaming and watching a film can be an enjoyable activity, it is essential that parents ensure that their children play or watch age appropriate video games and films and discuss safe behaviour.


    We have recently had children talking about games they play and films they have seen, that are clearly age inappropriate for them.


    We strongly recommend that you talk with your child(ren) about the types of games that they are playing and films they watch. If you’re not sure what they are or what is involved, ask them to show you. If you have any concerns or require support with any issue arising, then speak to myself or Mr Clayson directly.


    You may like to visit the websites below for information.





    Jane Troth

  • Harvest Festival

    Fri 05 Oct 2018

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    This year our school will be supporting Thanet Food Link for our Harvest Festival. This is an organisation that is run by volunteers within Thanet to serve the needs of those without food in our community. Our Harvest Festival will take place during our end of term assembly at Holy Trinity Church on Friday 19th October. Unfortunately, due to space restrictions we can not invite parents to join us this year.


    Donations of food will be taken by the children to church where they will be left for Food Link volunteers to collect the following week. The Food Link is especially asking for donations of soup, tinned fish and tinned meals at the moment, however any dried, tinned food, or drinks like tea and coffee, or packet food like biscuits will also be very welcome. Please remember that your child will have to carry their donations to church with them for the assembly.


    We will make sure we take photos of our harvest gifts for our website, so you can see the results of your generosity, which has been so evident in previous years.


    For more information about the work of the Thanet Food Link visit


    All donations should be sent into school with your children on Friday 19th October.


    On behalf of Food Link and local people who will receive your donations, I would like to thank you in advance for your generosity.


    Heather Weitzel, Assistant Head Teacher
