Cliftonville Primary and Pre-School is an excellent school the children are happy and thriving. Brilliant school, fabulous staff, great senior leadership team = a happy child! The dedication and hard work from the entire school team is outstanding and clear to see. I think you've all been amazing throughout the years, just want to so say thankyou & we appreciate everything you do for all of us . We love the school and are so impressed with all of the staff who work so hard constantly it is greatly appreciated by the children and parents and carers thank you. Presence of Teachers and caretakers at pick up and drop off really help you feel safe. The well-being of the pupils is outstanding. It is a lovely school with a welcoming feel and a positive atmosphere. Highly visible leadership team. A feeling of pride in the school. Supportive school for both parents and children. As parents we feel really proud that our son comes to such a great school, which we knew was fabulous whether OFSTED told us o


  • World Cup festival

    Mon 30 Jun 2014


    Mr Holyer kindly gave up every lunchtime to organise and supervise a World Cup themed football tournament.  The winning team was announced in assembly on Friday.  The children were commended on their fair play and sportsmanship.  Some grown up professional players could learn a lot from our children's exemplary conduct on the field!

  • School Council 'Green Travel' assemblies

    Sat 28 Jun 2014

    Since attending the Green Champions launch at the council offices, the School Council have been busy planning and preparing their project to promote green travel at Cliftonville.  They prepared, practised and presented assemblies this week to both key stages to share what they had learnt and to introduce their poster competition.  Entries should promote travelling to school by green methods (walking, cycling, scooting, bus, car share, park and stride, walking bus) and should be on A4 paper not using the computer. 

  • Antarctica Project

    Sat 28 Jun 2014

    Year 4 have been learning about Antarctica during literacy as part of a descriptive writing unit.  Miss Connellan's literacy set became so passionate about the topic that they continued the work into a four week project.  They completed independent research about the continent, wrote descriptions based on real life photos and wrote diary entries in role imagining they were scientists at Rothera Research Station.  The photos they looked at were from the blog of an artist called Adele Jackson who travelled to Antarctica earlier this year.  Miss Connellan was so impressed by the quality of the children’s writing that she emailed some of it to Adele.  Adele wrote back and said the writing was so fantastic and captured the feeling of being in Antarctica so well that she asked to publish some of the extracts on the blog! 


    The children also wrote stories in a particular genre set in Antarctica and then used the iPad technology of iMovie and teleprompt with green screen to make film trailers to advertise them.  Thank you Mr Burnett for helping us!


    This is the link to Adele's blog...






  • New Kent Test assessment

    Fri 27 Jun 2014

    Click on the link for information on the revised style of Kent Test for September 2014.




    If you would like any information at all about the Kent Test (11+) please speak to your child's class teacher or a senior leader.

  • 'Behaviours that Challenge' workshop for parents

    Thu 19 Jun 2014
    Please speak to Mrs Standen, SENCo, or Mrs Harper, Pastoral Care Manager, if you would like any more information.
  • Newsletter Term 6 published

    Tue 17 Jun 2014

    Please read the latest newsletter under the 'Newsletter' tab in the parents area.  If you have any questions about an item, please let us know!  Click on the link below to take you to the latest news...


  • Free Infant School Meals

    Wed 11 Jun 2014

    11th June 2014


    Dear parents and carers


    School Meals from September 2014

    In line with the new government policy, we are looking forward to offering all pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2 a free school meal and in collaboration with Caterlink, our catering provider, are working hard to get everything in place for September 2014.

    Our previous survey indicated that there will be a high uptake.  In order to help us to plan for the expected increase in children eating school lunches the following will apply:


    For free school lunches in Year R, 1 and 2:

    1. You will be required to make an initial commitment for at least one seasonal term (Sept-Dec/Jan-April/May-July)
    2. The commitment will be to have a free school meal every day (not just Fridays!)
    3. If, having opted for free school lunches for your child at first, circumstances change and you no longer wish to continue, you must give us notice in *writing of at least four weeks before you change.
    4. If you decide not to take up the offer initially and then choose to do so, we will need four week’s notice in *writing before we are able to offer your child free school lunches.
    5. There will be hot meals and cold meals (packed lunch) provided each day.However, the school cannot guarantee your child’s first choice.We will, of course, continue to respect religious dietary practices.

    *Forms will be available in the office.  The notice period will take effect from the date when returned to the school office.


    For paid school lunches in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6:


    1. Your child will be required to have school meals for whole weeks paid in advance (Monday – Friday).
    2. From September there will no longer be the option to have a meal for an odd day here and there.


    For pupils eligible for Free School Meals in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6:

    1. You will still be required to make an application and update information when requested.
    2. Your child will be required to have school meals for whole weeks (Monday – Friday).
    3. From September there will no longer be the option to have a meal for an odd day here and there.


    Being able to plan in advance will enable us to provide children with high-quality meals cost-effectively, reducing waste and making the best use of our resources.  


    With thanks for your understanding and co-operation in making this new initiative a success.


    Yours sincerely


    Jane Troth                               Fiona Widdows

    Headteacher                          School Cook


  • School awarded £30,000

    Tue 10 Jun 2014

    Sport England award Cliftonville Primary School £30,000


    I am delighted to report that the school has received an award of £30,000 from Sport England.  There was very stiff competition for the funding; Ms Whichcord superbly led the application working with the children, PTFA and governors.  We were one of just a few schools nationally to be awarded the maximum amount.  The money will be used to improve the outside play spaces which supports our commitment to healthy, active lives.  Hopefully work will begin in the summer holidays.  Although we already have a wealth of activities at playtimes with our play leaders supported by Mrs Seaman, organised games with Mr Holyer and Charlton Athletic Football club the funding will enable us to offer a wider range of sports including a traversing wall!  We will keep you posted as work progresses.
